General Ac Difference Between ASGA18FMTB and ASGA18SEFT
Description of ASGA18FMTB : We know General Ac 1.5 Ton is most popular cooler machine in Bangladesh. Its from 2021 and till now. ASGA18FMTB is the cheapest from ASGA18SEFT. Product is white color with Golden border. These are similair size. British Thermal Unit (BTU) is 18000, Compressor and other technical identification is same. Energy efficiency and Air flow are also same.
Product Description of ASGA18SEFT: Every body know, General is a top brand name in the Bangladesh. ASGA18SEFT is new or latest model ASGA18SEFT. Compressor is the Rotary categories and Gas alos R-410 with Eco-friendly. Energy efficiency and Air flow is the same with ASGA18FMTB. Price is heigher than AGGA18FMTB, It is imported by Esquire Electronics Ltd. Most of the people are wants to buy this product for import by Sole Distributor of General brand AC.
Finally, we can say that General is a best brand name in Bangladesh. Twice product is excellent. Every Model is authentic and genuine. Because of General brand Air conditioner is able to use in personal and commercial sectors. Here is lot of information in our product store categories. You search our online store for lot of information.