General split Ac 1.5 Ton Ac price Bangladesh
Split Ac refers to two different units; it’s called to split Ac. Here are shows that Air conditioner is wall split Air conditioner and it’s famous brand in Bangladesh. Most of buyer wants to buy General split Ac 1.5 Ton price in Bangladesh with chipset price.
General split Ac is the super demanding Air conditioning system for Bangladeshi people. We know General is a premier quality Air conditioner in Bangladesh. It has super cooling mode and power saving unit high. is the leading distributor of general split Ac in Bangladesh.
Description: General split Ac 1.5 Ton is built 18000 BTU, Here are different model with Gas, R-410 ,or R-22. On the other hand, indoors and out door dimension with different slit light color. Every model has 18000 BTU and power consumption is same. Compressor may different with Hyper Tropical Rotary and Bristol or Admiral.
Here are given some common Model direction:- For example-
Here are shows all General split 1.5 Ton Ac. Every model always does not stock. You may get always 2 or 3 model. Product longevity and service are different because here are some different to activity. Price is also different. You can choose your desired product for your home comfort. We are providing sale Guarantee and service warranty. You will get super comfort to use General Air conditioner. It’s top quality brand in the world with Bangladesh. Many Bangladeshi wants to us Fujitsu General Ac for super comfort and higher longevity. Fujitsu General Ac has world famous excellent features and technical data, which is does not contain other brand name of Air conditioner.
So, we can say hardly, General split Ac is excellent product and it does not comparable product for Ac user. It is best other than Air conditioner.
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